‘The King’s Affection’ Review.

"The Kings affection" follows the life of Dam-i (Park Eun Bin), a twin to Prince Lee Hwi who was meant to be killed at birth as twins were considered a baleful sign. She is however saved and snuck out of the palace. She later meets her twin brother, and they start to swop lives which leads to him being mistaken for her and gets murdered. Their mother conceals this fact and gets Dam-i to assume her late brother’s identity, thus becoming Lee Hwi.

When Dam-i assumes her brother’s identity she spends years concealing the truth and not letting anyone get close to her. Well, that is until she is reunited with Jung Ji Un (Ro Woon) who is appointed as her Royal tutor and things start going not so according to plan.

The complicated relationship between the two continues when Royal tutor Jung starts developing feelings for the Prince and an internal conflict ensues. He knows he can’t be with the Prince, yet his feelings are strong and consuming.

Royal tutor Jung confesses his feelings and Lee Hwi rejects him, understandably so as there is a lot at stake. Things become even more complicated when Lee Hyun (Nam Yoon- Soo), the Prince's close and trusted cousin starts to show his love and affection for the Prince.

In Lee Hwi’s journey to becoming the crowned Prince and subsequently King, there are a lot of challenges such as a controlling maternal grandfather and cousins determined to kill or expose her for any transgression they can find.

The King (Lee Hwi's father) finds an unfortunate ending by being poisoned. Before his untimely death he writes a letter which one can only hope will save Lee Hwi later. His death raises the stakes for everyone involved.

When Royal tutor Jung finds out the truth about Lee Hwi, he handles it with the understanding it requires. His actions further speak to how selfless his love for the new King is. It is kind, understanding and unwavering.

The romance between Lee Hwi and Royal tutor Jung isn’t without obstacles. Besides the obvious ones there is the fact that Royal tutor Jung’s father (Bae Soo Bin) is the person who killed the actual Prince and when he learns the truth about Lee Hwi it becomes tricky because his son is madly in love and involved with Lee Hwi.

Episodes 13 and 14 were emotional and you feel their pain and longing to be together. It brings you to your emotional knees as it seems that there is no happy ending in sight. Just heartbreak and disappointment.

When the rumours start spreading, Lee Hwi who is now King states bravely to Royal tutor Jung that she will face the consequences and that such rumours don’t phase her. One is left to wonder whether this was bravery or plain stupidity. In life it is important to avoid making permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

In the end we are given a happy ending after many trials and tribulation and for that I give "The Kings affection" a 8/10.

Reviewed by Mikateko Mafuyeka


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