A time to reconnect. Our Beloved Summer Review

Our Beloved Summer is a romantic comedy that follows former lovers whose break up was so harsh they vowed never to see each other again. The duo, played by Choi Woo-shik (Choi Ung) and Kim Da-mi (Kook Yeon-su), is reunited when Yeon-su approaches Ung with a work proposal.


He rejects her, subsequent to which, the documentary they previously filmed as best (Yeon-su) and worst student (Ung) while in high school starts to trend. Ung’s best friend, Kim Ji-Ung (Kim Sung-cheol), decides to produce the sequel.


From the moment their paths cross again, we are drawn in by the cat-and-mouse game between the duo. This is also evident throughout the drama.

Yeon-su, hides behind indifference and refuses to confront her emotions while Ung, who is the chaser, always reaches out for her. His playful and sometimes childish approach is what gets him noticed by her.

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The pair eventually agrees to work together for the sequel during which their characters are put in environments where they have to confront the disjointed puzzle pieces that led to their break up in the first place.


The use of flashbacks, along with voiceovers and styling enhance the characters’ journeys and their emotional state during each phase. These tools also assist in the constant exploration of the themes of abandonment and loneliness.

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The slow build-up of their history along with the progression of their individual growth makes it so easy to want to see them win in every aspect of their lives. So, there’s a deep sense of satisfaction when they finally decide to give their relationship another chance.

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Episode sixteen does a beautiful job of showing us even more of our leads’ growth; their ability to move selflessly within their relationship while ensuring that they don’t neglect their individual needs makes for a healthier relationship.


There is an overall feeling of “slice of life” to this drama; every moment feels like we’re looking through a window into the characters’ lives. I enjoyed that there is no real antagonist, every character is made completely human even when they make emotionally unsound decisions and although there are other love interests presented, their stories as individuals do not allow for the drama to become cliché.


There are moments that feel a bit disjointed and dragged out due to pacing but the overall drama, with its beautifully written characters, phenomenal editing and aesthetic, styling (deserves its own review) and synergy between every department earns this drama a 7.5/10 rating.

Reviewed by Thabang Mashiane


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