Bloody Heart!

Yes! that’s it, that’s the headline because when you have experienced a show such as bloody heart you don’t need anything more. This isn’t a review of the drama per se, more like me sharing my thoughts and feelings. This article also contains no spoilers!

I just want to start off by saying that I delayed watching the last 2 episodes of bloody heart because emotionally and mentally I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to such a great show, cast and writing. Those that follow me on Instagram know that I live and die by period dramas.

Lets talk about what I loved most about the drama.

The acting:

Each and every character was layered and the actors brought you into the mindset and thought process of the character they were playing. Even if you didn’t agree with their actions you understood why they made the decisions they made. The actors made you feel every emotion and truly made you one with the character. Even with scenes that didn’t have a lot of dialogue you felt the intensity, the longing, the sadness or despair in those scenes.

The writing:

The writing on this drama was top tier! 10/10! It gave me life and some. I believe the actors were able to bring the characters to life the way they did because of how well written the show was.

The pacing:

Beautifully paced. Things happened when they needed to happen. storylines where introduced when they needed to be introduced. Not an episode too late or too early. It was paced so well that you were not left wondering “why are they introducing a new storyline and character so late?”. You will not be left with any uncertainty at the end of this drama. Pacing satisfaction guaranteed.

The OST:

You were truly immersed in the characters and their complex emotions with the OST. The music beautifully aids in the carrying out the scenes and invokes so many emotions.

The drama successfully highlighted that when you play in the big leagues (fighting for the throne) you have no permanent enemies or allies. Circumstances dictate whether a person will be your enemy or your most trusted confidant.

Bloody heart gave me everything I needed in a period drama. The last time I felt this way about a period drama was when I watched Empress Gi and it has been very hard for other dramas to live up to it but I can confidently say that for me, Bloody heart did just that in 16 episodes.

Written by Mikateko Mafuyeka


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