We heed the call! KCC Supporters are here
Like a batman signal late at night the Korean Cultural Centre made the call asking for members of the public to apply to be part of the KCC Supporters team and it was our duty to oblige!
Successful candidates based in Gauteng were invited for an orientation event on the 18th of March 2023 at the centre and here is what the day looked like. We started of with a tour of the centre which included a tour of the 2 exhibition rooms. Exhibition room one holds a number artefacts including traditional winter Hanboks. We then swiftly headed to the history filled Korean traditional Knots and Bojagi exhibition on show until 31 May 2023.
Once the tour was concluded it was time for some networking over delicious Korean food! Yum!
We look forward to reporting on the many events the centre will be hosting throughout the year and meeting many more KCC Supporters. If you have some FOMO worry not as you can watch our mini vlog from this event here.
Article by Mikateko Mafuyeka