Kicking off the new year with these activities at the Korean Cultural Centre!

Happy Seollal! Though our new year greetings may have come a little late, we come bearing gifts! We are going to give you an update on which activities at the Korean Cultural Centre have already taken place and which one’s to look forward to this year!

The Korean Cultural Centre started the year by continuing with the two-month calligraphy exhibition, which began on the 28th of December 2022 and ending on the 28th of February 2023.

Photo: KCC SA

Photo: KCC SA

On the 17th of February 2023, the Centre then held a workshop because an exhibition is just not enough!

Photo: KCC SA

However, if you thought that was all they had to offer for the start of the new year, you are gravely mistaken. They further hosted a Korean movie night on the 17th of February 2023. Now that’s how you start the year!

Photo: KCC SA

These events were just the tip of the iceberg. From 7 March to 31 May 2023 the centre will present an exhibition showcasing Korean Traditional Knots and Bojagi.

From the 20th of March to the 7th of July 2023, they will have Korean classes for beginner and intermediate-level students.

The year is just starting, and the Korean Cultural Centre will host more fun, informative and educational events, so stay glued to their social media platforms and our website for updates!

Article by Mikateko Mafuyeka


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