EXCLUSIVE: We sat down with ‘So not worth it’ actor Terris Brown. Here’s what went down

Calling all fans of the Netflix sitcom “So not worth it” and others to the front. With the success and great reception of this Netflix show we had the opportunity to interview the American born actor Terris Brown who plays Terris, an international student who seems to be quite popular with the ladies. His performance on the sitcom won over many viewers and here is our interview with him.

To the reader who hasn’t watched “So not worth it” yet, introduce Terris Brown in a sentence.

A hard worker and quick learner who loves languages and acting!

Netflix Korea’s Instagram

“So not worth it” is a Korean Sitcom, what inspired/motivated you to start learning Korean and to enter the Korean entertainment industry?

I became friends with some Korean exchange students in my first year of college and they would always make Korean food and watch Korean television shows. Slowly, I found myself becoming interested in a country that I didn’t know much about. Maybe it's because it was all so new to me, but even when I would go back to my dorm room, I kept finding myself watching Korean shows and listening to Korean music. Eventually, I wanted to come study abroad here and learn the language. Once I got here, I immediately fell in love with the country and after getting more adjusted and getting a grip on the language, I started to think about making Korea my second home. I started doing an internship at a Korean Language company where we would make YouTube content, and being back in front of the camera reminded me of how much I had enjoyed doing theatre as a young child. That internship reawakened a passion I had for being on stage, so I started to look for ways I could break into the Korean entertainment Industry. After starting with some smaller gigs, I slowly moved on to bigger projects and haven’t looked back since!

Terris Brown’s Instagram

What language are you interested in learning next?

I know some Japanese, but I have been slacking off on studying lately. Once I get a better grip on my schedule, I’d like to continue studying Japanese! I am someone who loves studying languages, so I’d like to learn as many languages as I can. I know the process is long and hard, but there are so many things you can learn by studying different languages.

Terris Brown’s Instagram

What are some of your favourite things about the industry that make you stop and think “Yeah, I made the right choice?”

I think as an actor, you get to “experience” a lot of interesting scenarios while you work. One day I could be a warrior and an alien the next. Stuff like that keeps the job so entertaining that it doesn’t really feel like work when I’m doing it. Having that excitement in my career is something that I never want to lose.

Netflix Korea’s Instagram

Terris Brown’s Instagram

What are some of the challenges within the industry you’ve faced to date?

As a foreigner here in Korea, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to act beyond a small extra role. Most roles here are written for Korean people. Sometimes that can work in my favor, but also, there can be long periods of time where there is no work. Hopefully more roles that I can audition for will continue to be written, so I can hopefully show directors and writers that foreign actors can do more than just a small side role.

Terris Brown’s Instagram

We are still in a pandemic, what has been the biggest challenge and the biggest adjustment you have had to make since the start of the pandemic?

The pandemic has hit the entertainment industry in a lot of ways. While we were filming our Netflix show, the cast wasn’t able to go out and have fun due to the restrictions, so that made it harder for everyone to bond like we would normally. Also, a lot of projects have been delayed and cancelled because of the pandemic, so it has been extra hard for everyone in the industry to find work.

Terris Brown’s Instagram

Has your perspective of the industry changed since the pandemic started?

Not particularly. There have been slight changes to the way some things have been run, but I can’t say that the pandemic changed my perspective of the industry. I am glad and proud to be part of an industry that is hopefully giving people some entertainment and happiness in such a difficult time.

Terris Brown’s Instagram

What keeps you hopeful and motivated during this time?

I just try to stay positive and know that I am super lucky to have the work I’ve had even during this pandemic. If I need an extra pick me up, I like to hangout with friends or listen to music!

Terris Brown’s Instagram

What are the top 3 things people would be surprised to know about you?

I enjoy swimming and wish I could afford an indoor pool in my house. I like listening to sad and soppy songs. I love mint chocolate chip with anything.

Terris Brown’s Instagram

To a young star watching you in South Africa making waves in another country what would you tell them?

You’re always going to be confronted with rejection in your life, but if you really want something, you’ve gotta be able to power through your failures. You can do anything you put your mind to, so if you think the opportunity isn’t there, make that opportunity.


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